Tumbling Stars Gymnastics classes
Age Group: 4 -12 years. Children must be in reception class or above.
Training Times: Classes are between 45 mins and 90 mins and children usually start with 1 session per week.
Can I Watch: Yes we will have virtual viewing weeks usually every 8 weeks (via video link), competitions and performances where you are encouraged to attend. Due to space limitations and the layout of the building if you need to remain in the building at times outside the watching weeks you must email your request to members@nelgc.org to obtain prior agreement.
Coach Ratio: 1:10
How To Join: At the moment we are not able to take new participants into these classes. When we reopen the waiting list children will be able to book via the website for a trial where the coach will assess which level is suitable. After this your child will automatically be either placed onto a wiating list for the appropriate level class or offered a place.
Progressing: The coaches will constantly monitor your child's progress and will always let you know when your child is ready to move to a different level. Children all progress at different rates so some children will move through the scheme faster than other children. If we identify that your child already has a lot of skills or shows a lot of potential for the sport we may invite them to try out for a squad. We normally select children who are aged between 4 - 7 years old. These gymnasts will start on 3 hours a week and if they continue to development in the squad group the training commitment will increase.
What happens in the class:
These children usually attend 1 or 2 sessions each week and work towards our club Tumbling Stars Award Scheme. The scheme starts at Level 5 and progresses up to Level 1. Gymnasts start by developing core gymnastics skills on the floor, on the apparatus working on travelling skills, strength work and landing safely. All the children will use bars, beams, vault, trampet and hand apparatus. Once they have confidently achieved the skills on one level they will move to the next level and you will be informed when they need to move up to the next class. Once they are ready they start to progress through rolls,handstands and cartwheel elements on the floor and more advanced skills on all the apparatus including, bars, beams, vaulting, trampet, and hand apparatus. All the gymnasts have the opportunity to be assessed for awards and progress to the next level. Gymnasts take part in club events including the annual club display, levels 3 - 1 take part in the club competition.