Results 2011
During the year, the Club has recruited a further three additional part time gymnastics coaches.. The Club has also mentored three volunteers through their Stage 1 gymnastics course. Two existing coaches have been assisted in completing their tumbling club judging course. All coaches have attended an updated safeguarding children course and achieved their certificates. A further volunteer has been recruited to assist with administrative duties two evenings per week.
The Club continues to offer a wide range of recreational, competitive and display gymnastics classes throughout the year. The pre-school programme has proved very popular and continues to grow. We intend to increase the age range further next year by adding additional classes.
The dance department provided free out reach dance classes to 4 year groups over one full school term. Classes now start from three years old for dance and there are several dance classes for adults in the evenings. The first cohort of children in the dance school entered the Primary exam, where they had 100% success rate.
As well as hosting our annual club competition, the Club provided the Youth Games and mini games teams for Hackney and entered a large number of children in the regional competition programme.
The Club is also used during the day time by two local schools for gymnastics and dance classes and is hosting the Hackney schools Competition later in the school year. The Leadership Academy will assist with the running of the competition and judging the even. The Leadership Academy has also assisted with the annual Halloween and Easter Parties at the Club.