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February saw our new women’s artistic squad take part in their first ever regional grades. 2 of the squad competed grade 6 with both achieving distinctions. Our 3 older gymnasts competed at grade 5, with 2 being commended along with another distinction. All gymnasts competed in age. 


During April 2 of our Men’s Artistic coaches attended one of the Level 3 modules. Our Men’s Artistic squad also entered into the London Regional Challenge with both boys finishing in the top half of the competition. 


In May and June we had 2 of our Men’s Artistic coaches attending another Level 3 module for their CPD. During May we also had our Sports Acro team attend the Shooting stars competition, all the gymnasts competed at Grade 3, for some of the gymnasts it was their first ever external competition. In May we also sent some of our bronze & silver squad gymnasts to the UKG championships in Milton Keynes, the gymnasts achieved a number of medals, 6 Bronze, 10 Silver and 8 Gold. 


In July we took a team of 18 gymnasts to their first ever international festival in Riccione, Italy. Over the 6 days the gymnasts performed 3 times, including in the closing ceremony in front of over 1000 spectators. The gymnasts also fundraised in the months leading up to the Festival. 


One of our coaches passed their Women’s Artistic Level 2 exam in August. 


September saw our Men’s and Women’s Artistic squad competing after the summer break. On the 18th September both of the boys competed at the Regional NDP qualifiers, both gymnasts made it into the Men’s National Finals. The weekend after we took a team of 3 gymnasts to their first ever Level 5 voluntary competition, with one of the girls getting a gold medal on floor. 


In October one of our coaches passed their General Gymnastics Level 1 exam. We also had our Men’s Artistic squad attend National final training at Europa gymnastics Centre. The London Festival also took place over the 2nd weekend in October, the gold and silver squad performed the routine they took to Italy. 


After qualifying in September, two members of the Men’s Squad, Alexander Dobrynin Lait and Tycho Collins represented London at the National Finals. This was held in Birmingham in November. Alexander finished 26th individually out of a tough group and helped London finish in 3rd place. Tycho helped London finish 4th competing on the Pommel and doing PP & APP. 


December the Women’s Artistic squad took part in their first Future Stars Challenge competition held at Colchester gymnastics club. The gymnasts had a good, clean competition and for some of the girls it was their first ever competition. To finish off the term we held our Gymfit fundraising challenge, with around 20 gymnasts taking part in a series of challenges competing to get the best score. Together the gymnasts raised £2,417.40


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